I'm really starting to love this guy!
"It's become so petty it's almost pathetic in a way as I listen to these things. You know every -- (Rep.) Chaka (Fattah) was telling me a minute ago he keeps hearing these commentators, Republicans all of them, saying "well John Kerry was only in Vietnam for four months blah blah blah." Well, I was there for longer than that number one. Number two, I served two tours. Number three, they thought enough of my service to make me an aide to an admiral. And the Navy 35 years ago made the awards that I made through the normal process that they make. And I'm proud of them and I'm proud of my service and I'm proud that I stood up against the war when I came home because it was the right thing to do." "I've been 35 years now involved in foreign policy one way or the other. From being at the tip of the spear when leaders made bad decisions to trying to oppose it when I came home as an act of conscience. And you can judge my character incidentally by that. Because when the Times of moral crisis existed in this country I wasn't taking care of myself, I was taking care of public policy. I was taking care of things that made a difference to the life of this nation. You may not have agreed with me but I stood up and was counted and that's the kind of president I'm gonna be."
John Kerry in 1971 in front of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations:
"We are asking Americans to think about that because how do you ask a man to be the last man to dies in Vietnam? How do ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? But we are trying to do that, and we are doing it with thousands of rationalizations..."
BTW: Read the full text on C-SPAN of his testimony in from of that committee. We see too much of the world through insane filters (this blog definitely qualifies), and the full text holds up VERY well on its own. (I didn't want to create an insanely long post)
The more I see of John Kerry, the more I desperately want him to be our President. Come on my fellow citizens, we all deserve better than our current President! It's also very nice to nearly have the fact I like Kerry eclipse the fact I so seriously dislike the current President. Make no mistake, John Kerry is not a dream candidate like Robert Kennedy, or Paul Wellstone, or even a man like Howard Dean or Russ Feingold, but John Kerry is probably the best candidate for general election we've had in my lifetime. (yes, better than Bill Clinton)
Kerry is a douchbag man. He is a flip flopper. His wife won't report her tax papers cuz she knows she supports arab charity fronts for terrorism. Kerry is just the master of lip service and rhetoric. He wants to socialize medice. what a fucking commie. I bet the doctors will quit or we'll get shitty doctors to take over.
And who the fuck is going to pay for those huge medical machines. A MRI machine is like 5 million dollars. Ohhhh the wealthiest 2% will pay. Fucking communists. fuck that. How about opening the borders too and turn half this country into mexico. Oh I know why they want the mexicans. They want more votes. okay. good reason. I'd move out of this country when we become a socialist gay parade.
OHHHH then they are trying to take Nadar off the ballot. what a great democracy. Kerry is also settings some 6 month time limit in Iraq. what a great plan Kerry. Let the terrorists know you are going to leave on a set day so all hell can break lose later on.
What do you think of Saddam not letting inspecters in for YEARS before we invaded? Think that *MAYBE* he was hiding something. I think the war in Iraq is totaly justifid and I would do it again. In fact, I would take Iran, Saudie Arabia, and those other countries out too. They are backwards countries.
However one thing I do agree with the liberals on is the badness of the Patriot Act. "Those who give up liberties for security deserve Neither" I believe in the world of our forefathers. but they would also know not to trust arab oil skumbag terorists. they are all the same, wake up and smell the coffee. We need someone strong like bush.
Why doesn't Kerry talk about issues and not bull shit Vietnam time. And no more rhetoric either. I am tired of lip service and his plan to make the entire country happy. He tells environmentalists that he doesnt' own an SUV. then in Michigan, he tells the auto industry works that he HAS an suv. wtf
Clinton was only good cuz he road on a the DOT COM boom. He is also responcible for not going after Bin Laden after he attacked our embasy. I blame him for going easy on terrorists. And the terrorists will not lay down cuz Kerry is persident. they will just know it is easier to attack us.
THey hate us and what to spread Islam. Again, wake up liberals. The fucking world still hates you and always will. They are taught and brainwashed in their mossques.
Oh, don't delete this post. Challenge me and change my views. Stick to the real material and facts. None of Kerry lip service. Just the real stuff the he will actually try to pass in congress.
Anonymous for now.
PS. never check spelling or grammer. THis is just me talking. i think you can figure it out.
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM
It's a long reply, so it's going on the main page...
Jim Casaburi, at 11:15 PM
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