Strawberry Fields Forever - Nothing is real

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Why do I even bother to tune into Fox??

Sometimes out of masochism I will tune into conservative talk radio. It's amusing, it's ridiculous, but at least it has the "integrity" of not claiming to be journalism. That means it generally doesn't tick me off too badly. Fox News is different. Even though their claim of "fair and balanced" is ridiculous, they still try to pass themselves off as a form of journalism. After speaking over speeches and skipping over the national anthem, et al for the first night of the DNC convention, they gave some time to speeches the 2nd night. I watched Brit Hume and company talk after Mrs. Kerry's speech. Now unfortunately, so far, that's the only speech I've seen complete (I missed Clinton and Obama) so maybe every other one was so much better that it deserved derision, but I have trouble believing Fox was being entirely "fair and balanced" in their "analysis". Mrs. Kerry put forward a somewhat unusual, but still very heart-felt explanation of how glorious our freedoms are. Pretty good for a political speech. What did the group speak of? Well, they claimed she was strange, made incessant references to "shove it", argued that she was a campaign liability, asked why she didn't stare adoringly towards her husband in speeches, knocked feminism, and put forward theories that this was an attempt to "humanize" Mrs. Kerry. Give me a break! Arguably the speech was not what the convention people were billing it as in that there was not too much biographical information about Senator (hopefully soon to be President) Kerry, but it was still a decent speech that fleshed out a nice view of our nation as hopeful, brave and just. Maybe it was just that this didn't fit into the storyline of "liberals hate America." Though oddly enough Republicans were begging her to run for the Senate in Pennsylvania when her first husband died.. Still, this bashing is what passes for "journalism, fair and balanced"?? They make Scarborough, a conservative former house member from the panhandle of Florida, look like a real journalist in comparison! (somewhat like how Bush has made Reagan look good in comparison with how poorly Bush has done in office)

And yes, I know I'm not exactly the most unbiased person in the world, but this is going beyond even self-parody.

On another note, a sadder note, the Daily Show came back from their hiatus, and offered a convention view... that wasn't up to their par. I don't mean to say they were unfairly critical or anything, but man, it just wasn't very insightful or.. you know, funny. Please guys, I KNOW you can do better. And heaven knows there's great targets for humor at the convention!

(more edits for spelling and grammar.. luckily I'm basically talking to myself here)


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